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Saturday, 8 December 2012

October 9th 2012

Today in Irish my teacher Ms. O'Connell said that I could move because a few days ago she had separated Oriana, Robyn and Aoife and moved Robyn to the seat behind where she normally sat and moved Oriana to beside me which meant that Oriana and Amanda switched places which means I had to sit beside “Plastic Wannabe” and I was separated from Amanda and I couldn't handle that because we are great together in Irish class; we help each other mostly. So I moved over into Robyn’s old seat where I would be beside Amanda so I was content.

In Religion there were only about 10 people in the class because there was a Careers talk about DCU and most of the class went so instead of doing something boring, Ms. Guillfoyle put on Educating Essex which is kind of about bullying but it's funny as well. I then lay on the table and then Alex just sort of lay on top of me and I couldn't stop laughing and then she kind of put all of her weight on me and then i had to tickle her to get her to get off me. While Ms. Guillfoyle was calling the roll and then when she said my name I put up my hand and then she moved over to she could see me and then while laughing said "What are you two doing?" We couldn't stop laughing.

Nothing really happened during the rest of the day apart from when I was in double Biology and Ms. Hughes came into the class and asked could she see me. I followed her to her office and I sat down and she asked me how I was getting on with my UCAS personal statement but I said that I was dropping out of UCAS because I didn't want to apply to the UK anymore because I could get a really good course over here which would be cheaper.

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