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Wednesday 19 December 2012

October 20th 2012

Today me and Brian had planned to go over to Alex’s house. She had asked me and Brian to come over because she was inviting a guy up so we could have a sort of double date. His name was Stephen and he was 19 and works in a bar in Dublin. He was coming over at about 4pm and me and Brian went over at about 3.30pm. The 3 of us sat in her sitting room and chatted while we waited for him to arrive. While Alex went out to her kitchen to get some drinks, I was playing with Benny and I was rubbing his back and then he just turned around and bit me on my lip. I pulled away immediately and went to the bathroom. 

My lip or to be more precise; the skin around my lip, was gushing with blood and no matter how many times I put a bit of tissue against the cut, it wouldn’t stop. I went in and showed Alex and she was so angry at her dog that she hit him on his nose and put him out the back. She came over and gave me a hug and then we went back into the side room. 

We then poured the drinks out and sat down and started chatting again and just waited for Stephen. He then texted Alex and said that he was on the road. Me and Alex ran towards the window to get a look and Brian just started laughing. 

He came in and we all greeted him and we all sat down and then Brian put on the movie that he had brought over. All four of us were sitting on the couch and as the movie started all I could see out of the corner of my eye was Stephen with his arm around Alex. I thought to myself “The child isn’t even in the house 20 minutes and already his arm was around her”. 

All throughout the movie, I kept glancing over to Alex to see if she was okay and every time I looked over Stephen had his arm around you or was stroking her leg or kissing her. I liked Stephen, he seemed to be very caring and funny but he was nearly 7 foot tall or that’s what we thought he was. 

Alex then went out to put on some pizzas which was good because I was 
starting to get a bit hungry. About 20 minutes later she went out to get them and put them on a plate. The movie was now over so we put on some music. We tucked in to the plate of pizza slices; some with ham and some with cheese and tomato. They were yummy and then I accidently knocked over a glass that was on the floor. Me and Alex rushed into her kitchen to get some kitchen roll. While Alex was getting the kitchen roll, she told her mam what happened to me. She looked so shocked and was asking me was I okay and stuff. I was fine it was just a little scrape. I’ll live!

We both went back into her side room to Stephen and Brian who were talking about cars or something; whatever guys talk about! We were all laughing and chatting and it was nice to see Alex happy with a guy and it was like we were having like a couples night and then Stephen’s dad called him and said that he needs to go home because he had work soon. So Alex’s mam, dropped Stephen up to the top of the estate where his dad was collecting him. Alex went too. 

Me and Brian were just watching television while they were out and then Brian ended up lying on top of me on Alex’s mat on the floor in front of the fire. It was so lovely and it was like something out of a movie and then Brian just got heavy so we moved back to the couch. After Alex got back, it was about 10minutes later when me and Brian decided to leave. I had my dad collect us and bring us home. He actually brought us to Macarri’s and I got some food for me and Brian. We then went home and ate it in front of the television and just relaxed for the night

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