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Wednesday 26 December 2012

October 26th 2012

Today was our annual Halloween dress up day. Every year each year group get a theme and have the chance to walk in the small parade we have in the hall if they have a good costume. The 6th years had the theme of all things that are Harry Potter. I was wearing Brian’s shirt and jumper, 1 of my dad’s ties, my black skirt, white socks and black flat shoes.

I went into school and went to see my other friends were and they all said my outfit was really cool. When we were in English some people from T.Y. came in and took a picture of all the people who were dressed up. It was cool because Ms. McHale got in the picture too. Throughout the day we didn’t really do any work; we just had like fun and played games.

In P.E. Mr. Lawlor said we didn’t have to change into our tracksuits so we were playing like a game which involved having to throw a rubber ball into the basketball and then one by one your team mates get up on the bench and the first team with all their members on the bench wins. It was so funny because there were people running around in their costumes which made it funnier.

In maths, instead of doing the ordinary thing like looking at her doing questions on the board, we did a maths word search. Me and Aoife were helping each other and Ms. Kennan said that whoever gets all the words would get a bar of chocolate. We had about 2 minutes left in class and me and Aoife only needed about 4 words but we ran out of time.

In Irish, we weren’t really in the mood of doing actual work so Ms. O’Connell stuck on a bit of Aifric which we love because it means we don’t have to do any work. During lunch it was fun because we were all having fun and taking some pictures and then we went over to the hall to see the small parade; there was about 200 people on either side of the runway and at the top of the hall was about 6 teachers who were the judges. Each year group had about 6 people who each in turn made their way up to the judges table to show off their outfits.

In Spanish, Ms. Farrell put on a Spanish movie so we pulled down the blinds, turned the light off and we all sat in front of the board and watched the movie. We didn’t get to see the whole movie but it was a really good movie so I might ask her could I borrow it sometime.

In Geography, Ms Watson asked us did we want to either do some work or do a quiz. We obviously did the quiz so we got into groups of about 5 or 6 and there was about 4 rounds and with 8 questions in each. Some were geography related and some were History related. Our team actually did really well; we knew most of them and with the ones we guessed, we got right! It was really fun and some of the answers that people were giving were actually mad and even Ms. Watson was laughing.

When the bell rang everyone cheered because it was now our Mid-Term break which I was looking forward to because I had been so stressed with all the work that we had been doing so for a week I could relax and sleep longer and have fun.

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