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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

July 31st 2012

Today I was talking to Alex and she wanted me to go on webcam with her but I didn't want to because I had noticed that on most of my body I had developed some form of red spots which grew overnight basically and they had head on them and looked like chicken pox but I didn't understand why I got them because I got them when I was about 8 years old. I also was trying to think about who I was with that had chicken pox. I told Alex about the red spots and she said that she had the exact same thing. It was a bit weird that we both had it, my mam saw them and then she rolled a glass over the spots. Apparently if they disappear that's good and if they don't then that's bad. 

I  didn't like them because they were sore to touch and I had loads of them underneath my arms which looked like a rash and I couldn't put down my arms properly. I put on loads of cream and body lotions to try make them less sore. I even put on Sudocrem but even that didn't work. It ended up I had to just live with it until it went.

Amanda called me later on in the day and said that she had them too and that she was going to the doctors to see what it was. It ended up Amanda had chicken pox because she never had it before but me and Alex and my mam thought that it was just because there was no chlorine in the hot tub. Amanda said that she couldn't have caught chicken pox in the hot tub because she said the doctor said that you catch chicken pox nearly 12 days before you actually see them. I asked Rachel and Katie and they said that they didn't have anything like that so Amanda was the one with chicken pox and me and Alex were the ones that had the bacterial infection on our bodies. I knew I didn;t have chicken pox because nobody else in my family got anything like that. Later on in the day I think I just went out to Brian.

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