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Saturday, 4 August 2012

July 20th 2012

Today I had planned to go out to Alex and Brian. I went over to Alex's house at like 5pm or something and we hung out for a little while. It is really nice that me and Alex are back friends because I really think she is a nice person and is really funny. After about an hour or so we hooked Benny onto his lead and set off for the long journey through her estate and up to the playground to meet Brian and Charlie. We were walking alongside Aghards when we saw a guy with a dog, but it didn't regester in my head that it was Brian. 

When the 2 dogs met I was worried that they wouldn't liek each other but they seemed to like each other. I liked Charlie but I thought that he was too big for me. Personally I like small dogs that could fit in your handbag :L We walked over to the playground and hung out there for about 20 minutes and the dogs were getting restless so we walked over towards Tesco and I went into get a bag of Haribo. I gave the dog's a few but Charlie didn't reallt touch them but Benny was eating every one. Reminded me of my dad actually because my dad would eat the leftovers from our dinners.

Me and Alex had a go of holding Charlie's lead but instead of the material extender lead like Benny's, Charlie has like a rope which just proves that he's a very strong dog. Alex feel in love with the dog so while she was holding Charlie's lead I was holding Benny's. I would love a dog like Benny but my mam doesn't like dogs' even though she grew up with them! So she said I canget a dog when I have my own house. GREAT!!! So like when I'm middle aged.......

Brian said that Charlie had to go home soon because he was walking longer than Benny was so me and Brian walked Alex to the top of the estate and when the dogs said there goodbyes in "woof" form, we headed off. It seemed like we were walking to Mayo, because all 3 of us (me, Brian and Charlie) were knackered and it was sunny which made it feel longer. When we finally got there me and Brian put Charlie out the back garden and sat out the back with him for a while I think. 

Throughout the course of Charlie's visit I occasionally thought to myself about when me and Brian have our own house when we're older and hopefully will have a dog of our own. I thought of that every couple of minutes because he was a really nice and active dog and kept me and Brian on our toes because every once in a while he would jump up on us. I don't really when dogs do that becauuse it reallly frightens me, but everyone says that they only do that because they like you or that they want you to play with them. 

Me and Brian played with him for a good while and then it was getting dark so we put him out the back for a piss basically and then he came back in to go asleep. I headed off and couldn't really wait until the next day when I got to play with him again. This is really my only experience of looking after a dog because again my mam hates them with a passion!!!

I never understood why she hates them but now I know that it's just because they make the house smell and they shit all over the grass. But if I had a dog in my house I would have a small part of the garden where the dog would go to have a dump. Hopefully then it would realise that the house is not the grass.

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