Today was our annual Fun Walk. We had to go into school in our tracksuits so we had to bring in our outfits. In the morning when I went in, I was just having fun with my friends and taking pictures of us doing different faces and poses and just messing around really. Everyone was on a buzz because this day of the year is always a good day because its a chance for both teacher and student to get involved and just have a good time really.
There was loads of people who were already dressed up in their outfits so at little break I decided to into the toilet and change into my gear. I walked down to where I have lunch and everybody loved my outfit and we started taking more pictures.
In P.E. even though most of us brought our tracksuits Mr. Lawlor said we didn’t have to change into our tracksuits so we just did our session and then just went straight to our next class; didn't need to change back into our outfits. After maths we went straight to our lunch rooms because instead of us having lunch at 1.20pm we were having it at 12.40pm. We had our lunch and we were all messing and taking more pictures and just laughing really.
At 1.20pm we went back to our English rooms and we started to practice our dance routine a few more times and then all we had to do was wait until we were called. About 10 minutes later we all left and headed for the tennis courts. When we got down there was only the judges and the prefects there, so we went over to behind the judges because they are the best seats in the house. When all of the year groups were gathered around in a circle the battle commenced. 1 by 1 the year groups made their way to the middle of the circle in front of the judges table. Most of the year groups song choices were about friendship which was the theme of our Fun Walk.
It was now the moment that me and Alex had been waiting for. It was Mr. O’Callaghan’s class up next. We had spoken to him a few days before and he had told that he was going to be dancing to PSY’s Gangnam Style so we couldn't wait. His class started dancing and then the music broke down and Gangnam Style started and Mr. O’Callaghan started dancing which was so funny and all I could see was Ms. Watson breaking her heart laughing because they were like best friends so to she him letting loose and dancing to such a modern song in such a “dad dancing at a wedding kind of way” :L
Then all I could see was his trousers hanging off him! I wasn’t sure whether it was part of the routine or not but then he pulled his trousers all the way down and everyone was screaming and even Ms. Watson was surprised because he was wearing like these purple polka dot pyjama bottoms and then he ripped his shirt off and he had a t-shirt on saying “Hug Me”. I was breaking my heart laughing and even Ms. Watson was near to falling off her chair because she was looking at middle age man stripping off in front of about 700 teenage girls who LOVED it! :L It was so funny and fair play to him but he always gets involved in the Fun Walk.
Finally the time had come for the 6th years to do their routines, I can’t remember which order we went in but before us was Ms. Guillfoyle’s class and the class were dressed like chimney sweeps and had ash on their faces and there was a chimney behind them. They were doing a song from Mary Poppins and they were jumping around and then out of the chimney stepped Ms. Guillfoyle dressed as Mary Poppins with multi-coloured stockings with high heels. The end of their routine was all of them coming up to the judges table and blowing powder at them and all you could see was them moving backwards cause it just looked like a cloud of smoke.
It was now our turn and we all went to our places and then the music started and then we started. We had a mix up with Michael Jackson’s Black or White, Beat it and Thriller. We started it and during Beat it, I forgot some of the routine but quickly regained it back. When we had finished everyone clapped and people said I was really good but they were unaware that I had made a mistake; they thought it was part of the routine so I just said “Oh thank you!” :P
We then set off for our Fun Walk! Me and Alex set off and we headed towards St. Raphael’s Manor and the TY classes were there along the way making sure we crossed the roads safely. We walked through the big estate and out the other end beside Scoil Na Mainistreach, and turned left and walked back to the school. When we got back we went over and got a can of coca cola and went over to the speaker and started dancing to the music.
I then did a dance dare which was cool and funny because my friends could not stop laughing and the girl who I did it to hadn’t a clue what was going on.
Gangnam Style then came on and me and Alex started doing the dance moves and there were a few people in a circle doing dance off’s so when the chorus started of the song I jumped into the middle and started dancing. I was having so much fun and it was really great just letting your hair down for 1 day and just let loose.
When school was over I just went home and got ready because I was going over to Brian’s house. I went over and did the same things we always do, watch some television and then going on his computer and listening to songs on You Tube and looking at stuff on Facebook. I got upset that night but I forget what about but I think I was just emotional because it was that time of the month.
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